Analysis of Deckbox Structural Integrity

Analysis of Deckbox Structural Integrity for COSL Pioneer, Innovator, and Promoter

Project Overview: Analysis of Deckbox Structural Integrity for COSL Pioneer, Innovator, and Promoter

Client: COSL Drilling Europe

Objective: The objective of this project was to analyze the deckbox structural integrity for the COSL Pioneer, Innovator, and Promoter, following concerns about the clearance between the structural steel and cabin walls, despite the intact structural integrity.


  1. Identification of Critical Areas:
    1. Identify areas of the deckbox where the clearance between structural steel and inner structures, such as cabin walls, is minimal.
  2. Re-analysis Based on Latest Standards:
    1. Re-run the structural analyses for the identified areas according to the latest regulation.
    2. Assess the structural deformations in more detail to ensure compliance with current safety and regulatory standards.